
The setting of “Sredni Vashtar” by Saki is quite ambiguous. Since most of the author’s stories are set in Edwardian society (the British Empire between 1901 and 1910), we can also assume that this story is set during that time, in a middle-class house, and takes place over a few weeks or so.

Physical setting

The main physical setting is represented by the property on which Conradin lives with his cousin, Mrs De Ropp, which includes the house, the garden and the “disused tool-shed”.  The garden and the shed are depicted in more detail:


Social setting

The social setting depicts aspects of Edwardian society. The Edwardian era is a time in British history generally defined by a fashionable elite, a sense of pride in being British, concern for manners and appearances and an increased number of female servants in the middle class and higher class homes.  

In this short story, the author explores aspects related to class and family relationships.


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