
Here you can take a look at the summary of our analysis of “A Ride on the New York Subway” by Vivian Gornick!

“A Ride on the New York Subway” respects the following structure: title, introduction, main body, and conclusion. The text describes the writer’s experience during a subway ride from Times Square to Bronx in detail.

The sender of the essay is the writer, Vivian Gornick. The intended receiver of “A Ride on the New York Subway” is the readership of the American newspaper The Village Voice, where the essay was originally published.

In our analysis, we will also focus on the characteristics of the text. We will talk about the argumentation, rhetorical devices, forms of appeal, and language. Moreover, we constantly encourage you to look for further examples to add something extra to your analysis.

Read the full analysis of the essay in what follows!